Medicinal Plant Gardens Ganewathta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consectetur tristique erat, sed porta mi tempor eget. Sed sit amet felis ut mauris facilisis accumsan sed a ex. Nam sit amet sollicitudin massa. Etiam volutpat ex porttitor sem varius, quis porta diam congue. Phasellus commodo malesuada nisi.

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Placement of the garden

Mauris sagittis mauris vitae maximus iaculis. Nunc faucibus ultricies tortor dignissim elementum. Phasellus vel tempus est. Donec vel turpis eu mi rutrum varius vel aliquet lorem. Nulla fermentum nibh at dictum efficitur. Curabitur pulvinar erat et nisl rhoncus sollicitudin.
Quisque gravida lectus quis urna posuere, semper dapibus velit feugiat. Donec sollicitudin consectetur elit nec fringilla. Vivamus vulputate luctus nibh at rhoncus.

Fusce luctus erat molestie mi dignissim porttitor. Morbi fermentum interdum fringilla. Nulla facilisi. Donec vel tincidunt turpis. Aenean sed orci eget justo tempor hendrerit sit amet sit amet augue.

Nullam quis nibh sagittis, hendrerit erat sit amet, accumsan purus. Morbi eget nibh felis. Proin tristique metus nec enim placerat tincidunt. Sed quis lacinia mauris. Quisque et dolor elit. Duis fermentum pulvinar sapien sed cursus.

Mauris interdum urna velit, pulvinar aliquam libero luctus nec. Duis felis nisi, tincidunt quis commodo quis, tristique a ex. Aenean at est consequat quam faucibus luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt et tortor eget blandit. Aenean suscipit sem nulla, vehicula interdum ante faucibus nec. In interdum ultricies tellus, eu pulvinar dolor condimentum eu. Pellentesque volutpat tempor vulputate. Fusce in ex facilisis, pharetra neque sit amet, lobortis tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis lacinia a urna vitae sollicitudin.

Location MAP

How to see the garden

A map showing the most important places is enclosed in this folder.


What you can see

visitors are advised to walk round the gardens if they wish to explore the many beautiful places in this very compact garden.


Trusted By 1000+ Visitors

A well maintained mixed flower border adjoining a lawn is seen on the left hand side immediately inside the Main Entrance. A fine hedge formed of the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) of Califonia is seen opposition the flower border. Two giant specimens of silver-leaved New South wales turpentine tree (Syncarpia glomulifera) from Australia are seen planted beyond the cypress hedge. Several kinds of Azalea (Rhododendron indicum) and the common Camellia (Camellia japonica) are notable tall shrubs visible on the grassy slope behind the main border. Fine-leaved large shrubs of the bottle brush. (Callistemon lanceolatus) are seen scattered along the flower border.
A foot path commences from the main drive leads to the central pond in which yellow water lilies are grown. Magnificent trees of Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwilli), Eugenia cunninghamii and Mihiriya, a native tree of Sri Lanka, (Gordonia axillaris) are found planted around the central pond.

The foot path on the left hand side leads to the bulb garden which was opened in 1924. It contains a collection of Lilium, Watsonia, Gladiolus, Agapanthus and Zephyranthes, many of them have been introduced from Holland and Japan.
The flower garden displays many annual flowers adding beauty to the gardens, the flame bush, (Streptosolen jamesoni) Cestrum elegans, Poinsetia pulcherrima and many kinds of fuchcia their drooping clusters of pretty flowers are found along the herbaceous border. Interesting trees around the flower garden are the camphor tree.

(Cinnamomum camphora) from China. The Queensland box tree, (Tristania conferata) from Australia, the Japanese silkworm Oak tree, (Quercus serrata) from Japan, the southern Magnolia, (Magnolia grandiflora) from Florida, Madanakama, a scented-flowered, medicinal plant, (Michelia fuscata) from china and the clump forming Senegal Data Palm, (Phoenix reclinata). Visitors should not miss the indigenous Rhododendron or Maharath Mal, (Rhododendron arboreum ssp zeylanicum) with scarlet bloom. A summer house constructed in 1910 as a memorial to Mr. J.K. Nock, a pioneer curator of the gardens, is seen below the flower garden.
The Botanic Gardens are locally reputed for their collection, the rose garden, established on a twin terraced piece of land, contains modern rose varieties imported from England and America. A herbaceous border is seen behind the rose garden.
A newly established glass house serving a repository for indoor plants stands along-side the exit drive. This displays blooming specimens of Begonias, Peperomias, Afican violet. Primula, Gloxinia, Streptocarpus, Pelargonium and specimens of many kinds of cacti and succulents.
The upper flower garden also displays annual flowers and it includes a herbaceous and a mini rose collection.A Montezume pine (Pinus montezumae) from Mexico and Hoope pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) from New South Wales lie on either sides of the flower garden.A row of Jacaranda trees, (Jacaranda ovalifolia) with mauve flowers, is seen below. A giant Monterey cypress tree and Japanese cedar trees, (Cryptomeria japonica) grow around the flower garden. A dark green and deeply cut-leave creeper, the Dada Kehel (Rhaphidophora decursiva) is visible growing on a wanasapu tree, (Michelia nilagirica).
7.30 AM - 6.00 PM

Opening Hours

7.30 AM - 5.00 PM

Ticketing Hours

365 Days


For Overseas Tourist

Entrance Fee

Come and explore the spectacular plant life of Sri Lanka

Foreign Child

(Elder than 12)

LKR3,000/=/ Ticket
  • Great explorer of the truth, the master-builder.
Foreign Student

(Must have proof)

LKR2,000/=/ Ticket
  • Great explorer of the truth, the master-builder.
Foreign Child

(5 to12 years)

LKR1,500/=/ Ticket
  • Great explorer of the truth, the master-builder.