The Foliage Section
The foliage Section of the Department of National Botanic Gardens has a vast collection of foliage plants from the different climatic zones of Sri Lanka. The section is a paradise for exquisite foliage plants including rare endemic species such as Gymnostachium ceylanicum and Acrotrema walkari as well as some foliage plants grown for their curative power in the indigenous (Ayurvedic) medicine system. There is also a fascinating collection of exotic plants both from tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world.

The section has three large shade houses, two glass houses and two show houses; one is for indigenous and exotic foliages while the other one is for cacti and succulents. The cacti and succulents are brought here from the semi arid zones of the island as well as from various deserts of the world. If you visit the Royal Botanic Gardens Peradeniya, don’t forget to step into our foliage show houses.
Foliage plants are vegetatively propagated in this section for commercial sale of plants.Training programe are also regularly counducted for grower, general public and students.
Contact us for more details
(+94) 081 238 8238